Tune into your Inner Guidance System - A Simple Practice
“Healing" seems to infer that there is illness or disease. I used to think that. But there are aspects of our health - physical, mental and emotional that we can always work on and improve. It is the joy (or the burden) depending on your perspective, of being a human.
I currently write this from the sandy shores of Cancun where I am supporting my sister on her personal healing journey with breast cancer. She is taking an integrative approach to her healing. Combining western allopathic and alternative therapies to support and heal her body.
I am learning endless amounts about cancer - why it forms, how it spreads, and how it can disappear. While nobody knows for sure how and why it emerges for certain people, it is clear that there are numerous physical, emotional and mental aspects to the creation and the destruction of it.
It can seem overwhelming with numerous diets, treatments, ideas, competing philosophies, ideologies + the external pressure from our families, friends and society on “how we should heal”.
Something that has remained a strong practice of mine when my radar for my personal truth and path feels discombobulated, is to tune back into my inner guidance system - something we all have. Our intuition and our connection to the deeper part of ourselves that is always looking out for our highest good.
Here’s the practice:
Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. Ground your sit bones and/or your feet down to the Earth and breathe. Take in 3 deep cleansing breaths in through the nose, and out though the nose.
“Drop into your body”. For me, this means sinking into my skin. It usually feels like a warm melting sensation. If you’re quite visual, imagine snowflakes settling to the bottom of a snow dome after it’s been shaken.
Begin to get in touch with your inner guidance system by placing your attention on either your Third eye (between your eyebrows) or your heart space. Imagine that part of you becoming like an antenna to the universe and hold the intention that it is receiving vital information for your wellbeing.
With you attention on your Third eye or heart space, ask the deeper part of you: “what is it that I need to see, hear, feel or know in order to be well?"
Wait. Listen and receive any information that comes through. It could be sensations, thoughts, feelings, images, sounds, smells. There is no right or wrong. Just information.
After a few minutes, or once you feel complete, open your eyes and journal what came up. Do no filter. Allow the pen to move across the page like a stream of consciousness. Your analytical mind may want to overlay logic and judgment but this is not a “logical” process. Allow yourself to let go and follow your instinct with the information you have received.
Sometimes all that is needed is the next best step. Not the entire map.
This is one simple practice you can do to strengthen your connection to your inner wisdom and guidance system. I hope it brings you more clarity and connection on your healing journey.
Please reach out if you have questions or want to go deeper and explore other practices to cultivate your inner guidance.
With love,