Spring is here (albeit, slightly wet) and it's the season to strip back the layers, the labels and all of life's responsibilities and remember who the fuck you are. It's time to return home to your sacred self. It’s time to rewild.
Rewilding is all about coming back into balance with our natural, uncultivated state of being.
The pressures of modern day life on the modern woman are immense and it can feel like you are pulled in a million directions away and far from your creative centre.
Come join us round the table for a sensorial journey of tastes, smells, sounds and touch and reconnect back to your wild, untamed essence in the company of like-minded women.
We have teamed up with Supernatural to host our evening in their stunning remodeled space and we will be serving up a delicious spread of seasonal food along with rich conversation that will leave you feeling nourished on all levels . This is not a networking event. This is for those seeking deeper connection with their community and within themselves. Nobody likes small talk or awkward introductions, so you can relax, we will be going way beyond the weather and "what do you do" chats :)
Tickets for the evening are $120 inc GST - price includes 3 course meal, drink on arrival, a goodie bag filled with local brands we love. All food is seasonal and produced locally. An incredible list of natural and biodynamic wines are available for purchase on the night.
Tickets are limited to preserve the intimacy of the experience, so reserve your space now.
See you round the table!